Building reputations and credibility through B2B PR

People frequently picture large consumer campaigns when they think of public relations. But B2B PR can be crucial. B2B PR helps companies that market to other companies rather than individuals, create visibility and brand recognition among target customers in relevant industry sectors. B2B PR: what is it? Instead of advertising a firm to the broader […]

Whitepapers – marketing ‘fluff’ or impactful communication tool?

So you have something important to say but not sure what medium to use to get your message across? A whitepaper might be the answer. A whitepaper should inform the reader with new and/or insightful information and analysis on a particular market sector or subject. But these can be time consuming documents to complete; the […]

Awards bring rewards if you take the right approach

Awards are becoming an increasingly important part of a company’s marketing plans. Success in a national or international awards competition can be a significant tool for firms to highlight how they have been able to support their clients and the quality of the products and services they provide. Award success can deliver external and independent […]

… Jon Guy, TMCC’s new Head of Content

We are delighted to welcome Jon Guy to TMCC as our new Head of Content. We caught up with him to ask about his career and what attracted him to TMCC. Jon welcome to TMCC. What skills can you bring to your role as Head of Content? I have been a Journalist for 30 years […]

Why planning your content marketing matters

Content marketing is very important to any business that uses a website to sell or promote itself. Not only is it a fundamental part of a marketing and sales strategy, but it’s also a mainstay tool for the distribution of information, and improving brand recognition and SEO. Creating a plan for your content should be […]

Permission Reminders for Email Campaigns

Email marketing

When you’re designing an email campaign your first thoughts probably turn to the look and content. One thing that we speak to clients about A LOT is the importance of the Permission Reminder. The Permission Reminder is a small amount of text, separate from the main content, that’s used to indicate to the reader why […]

Six effective PR activities that can drive traffic to your website

PR is the little thought of power-house tool for driving traffic to your website. Surely, we hear you say, working with the press can’t bring you website visitors and, God forbid, new customers? Handled correctly, it can.  Good PR will create brand awareness and naturally lead more people to seek out your site and services. […]

5 PR tips to measure your PR effectiveness

The advent of digital marketing has placed more pressure on marketers to measure marketing effectiveness and calculate returns on investment. Public relations (PR) professionals are not immune to this requirement but there are a number of tactics that can be employed to deliver a well-argued case for the value of PR activity. Here we’ll give […]

Viral Content: What is it and how can you use it for your business?

The typical content marketer will slowly build content that attracts attention and traffic, often through blogging. This has become a large part of the digital marketing playing field. However, there is another method that can give this activity a exponential boost – Viral Content. Viral content is media that becomes very popular and contagious online, […]

6 tips for writing a great press release headline

You’ll not always have a regular flow of newsworthy stories to use in your PR efforts. So when one with potential emerges, it’s important to make the most of it; and its success can come down to the quality of the press release. Write it badly and it may go unnoticed. Write it well and […]

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