Elevate your Personal Brand, enhance your Stakeholder Communication

Build your Leadership Effectiveness

TMCC offers a bespoke personal brand development service designed exclusively for senior leaders looking to raise their profile and enhance the effectiveness of their stakeholder communication. Through strategic communication with key stakeholders, we enable leaders to engage more effectively with employees, enhance their visibility, build their reputation in the market, and unlock new business opportunities.

Why Personal Branding and Communication matters

Strong leaders are highly visible and communicate effectively with their stakeholder groups, but many find the time to do this or get distracted by day-to-day challenges.

Being covered in the press, using channels such as LinkedIn effectively and even communicating updates to staff members are all important.

  • For your organisations: this will boost visibility, improve employee engagement, and open up new business avenues.
  • For you: this increases credibility, ensures consistent communication with stakeholders, and builds a lasting professional legacy.

A comprehensive process

How we work with you depends on your needs, but we will typically go through the following stages:

  • Kick-off meeting: we begin with an introductory session to understand your specific challenges, needs and objectives. 
  • Customised proposal: based on our initial meeting, we develop a personalised engagement strategy.
  • Deep-dive discovery: an in-depth fact-finding phase to gather essential insights about you for your branding strategy and communications plan.
  • Strategic plan: we develop a detailed guide covering all critical communication channels of relevance—internal, press, social media, and public speaking.
  • Implementation and review: following plan approval, we commence activities, hold regular meetings to ensure alignment and adapt strategies as needed.

Contact us

Ready to build your professional legacy with TMCC’s personal brand development service? Contact us for more information and a tailored quote or download our guide to find out more:

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Simply Business Claims Team, PO Box 76, Cardiff, CF11 1JX
Call: 0333 2070 560