Learning and development

“Our attitude to ourselves should be ‘to be insatiable in learning’ and towards others to be tireless in teaching”

Mao Zedong

Having worked with clients who offer training and development services to businesses of all sizes, from SMEs to major UK government departments, TMCC has built a reputation for its innovative approach to communications and marketing in the sector.

Organisations of all types and sizes have an intense focus on training and development as the benefits of retaining rather than hiring new employees makes ever more sense.

There is now a growing awareness in the C-suite that there are real opportunities for companies that invest in the development of their teams.
Team development, including senior teams and senior individuals, to enhance performance levels and with it drive greater business efficacy has become a genuine aspiration for many.

High-performing teams are more able to effectively identify and set objectives, and better able to work constructively and cohesively to maximise opportunities and meet business challenges and issues.

The situation has created a demand for specific and specialised L&D skills focused on enhancing team and senior leadership performance at a time when the move to hybrid working patterns, post the COVID pandemic, has changed the internal and external team dynamic.

Having worked with clients who offer training and development services to businesses of all sizes, from SMEs to major UK government departments, TMCC has built a reputation for its innovative approach to communications and marketing in the sector.

With close relationships with some of the leading specialist editors and journalists TMCC has a strong understanding of the sector’s challenges to ensure our clients can plan their marketing and media strategies accordingly.

Our clients know they are in safe hands and the length and strength of our relationships with those clients attests to our undoubted expertise.

The size of the UK online education and training industry was estimated at £4 billion in 2022, and it is expected to increase by 5.5% during the year.

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